Thursday, February 10, 2005



This is my first story composed entirely on MY NEW LAPTOP! It’s wonderfully tiny, and the keys make a satisfying ‘clicky’ sound that is reminiscent of a typewriter, which is far superior to the usual plastic ‘clack’ of the normal keyboards. Truly, my laptop in all forms. Also, my husband surprised me with the super-cool lavender computer bag I had be coveting off the ebags website, so my look is complete, and I can now write in style. (As well as extensively surf the internet)

So, on to the subject which has been foremost in my mind as of late. Crosswalks.

I am the type of person who tends to not rush out into the middle of a busy street just because there is a little white light-man telling me it is ok to do so. I like to verify that everyone is stopped, and I know I tend to drive some friends crazy with my caution. Being on a college campus that is smack in the middle of downtown, I am forced to cross many streets, all highly busy. Some crosswalks even go diagonally across the road – which I have only ever attempted once. I already feel highly rushed with the hand flashing and the drivers revving their engines just waiting to stomp on the gas – diagonal is never enough time.

So today my friend, William, suggested we go to the Rocky Mountain Seed Shop after class. This was a difficult decision, go look at seeds (which, being a gardener, I am a little crazed over) or avoid crossing all those streets?!?! The seeds won, and we headed out. Then came the first crosswalk. Like always, I hesitated, looked dumbly at every sign, of which each had a bright red hand in the middle. I was reluctant to just cross, though the traffic was going in the right direction to do so. I looked at William for guidance, and . . . . To my surprise he had the same blank stare that I did. In fact, he was looking as though he hoped I had the answer of when to cross!

We made it across the street, and after perusing all the seeds, we started sharing our crosswalk-phobia. Each time a street came up to cross, we both paused for a while, making sure that everything was stopped or going in the right direction before proceeding - and neither of us was rushed. It was nice, and we were laughing at ourselves the whole way back to campus.

I suppose it goes to show that you’re never the ONLY one who has issues with something, even as small as a crosswalk.


  1. Hi Christa, I linked back to your blog from the Cheesebee Chronicles. I agree with proceeding apprehensively across cross walks, but only because I live in the only county in Minnesota without a stop light. Congratulations on your new lap top and thanks again for stopping by my site. - woody

  2. Hi Christa, I came here via Woody's blog. I'm cautious in many areas like crosswalks and much braver in others (which I wont' mention here!). Cool about the new laptop! I LOVE lavender. Our walls in the main parts of our house are painted "ice lilac" which is white with a hint of lavender put into it for a glow. My blog is a mix of original paintings, photography, and a bit of this and that. Hope you come by. BTW, the name of your blog is quite catchy. :)

  3. People at the first college I attended dashed very boldly across busy streets, crosswalk or no crosswalk. Scared the bejeezus out of me. I still need to hold someone's hand when I cross the street! *hehe*
