Saturday, February 12, 2005

Cats' Magic


I have decided that cats must possess magical powers. Now, I realize that I am extending this statement to all of cat-dom, and it may be true only of my cats, but I think it goes for all. We'll see how many commenters agree.

My cats have one seriously strong spell - the ability to make you fall fast asleep, even when you weren't tired in the first place. If I sit or lay down to read, write, or type away on the laptop, both Leo and Cider (their names) find this an irresistable inviation to cuddle. One will be on my knees or legs, the other my lap or chest, and the purring begins. They purr for quite a while, and it is during this time that the spell is cast. Soon, the purring dies down, as they nod off, and I am not long to follow. I won't get up, won't continue what I was doing - the book is usually set down and we all take a nice nap. It is the same with my husband, and last night, when my parents came up for dinner I found it was the same for my dad. Cider hopped up in his lap, fell asleep - he kicked back the recliner and fell asleep too.

It is an irresistable thing to nap with cats, and therein the magic may lie - but right now I haven't the time to pursue the matter further. Cider and Leo just fell asleep on my chair, and I feel I should probably join them on this lazy Saturday afternoon. . . .


  1. I love the look of your blog! You know, I've been thinking along the same lines about animals lately. Our pets seem to have a sense of extra sensory perception or something, Pudge always climbs up and settles on my lap when I'm just about to get up. The purr is an added enticement.

  2. Thanks for the compliment, I worked on this for a few hours last night - it's one of my favorite pictures. And come to think of it - my cats also seem to settle in right before I have to get up as well. I'm convinced that they definitely have senses outside of our own.
