Sometimes, it's the tiny things that can really make you smile. Listerine makes these little spray pumps...I forget what they're called, but they're powerful. It's all part of the agony our culture likes to call ‘Freshening our Breath’.
That whole trend has been rather fascinating to me. I remember growing up gum, tic tacs and those little pink and white peppermint candies were the main tools (aside from brushing) that one could use to keep from offending others when your expelled air was less-than-savory.
Well, SOMEone invented a rather painful mint, marketed it brilliantly, and a whole slew of tastebud-erroding breath fresheners filled up the candy section of the supermarket for the public to buy.
I occasionally am one of the public - little gimmiks, neat packaging, I'm a sucker for such things. Thus, I have this Listerine spray that sits in my car for months on end until I work up the courage (or forget the anguish) and use a bit.
And I've found that it always makes me sneeze. However many times I pump that spray is how many times I can be expected to sneeze. This brought on a bit of experimentation...Altoids (mint) also make me sneeze, as do the really powerful square pieces of gum. Fascinating.
Greg thinks its hilarious, and will often offer to spray my mouth for me (what a gentleman!) and then wait expectantly for the oncoming sneeze. He did that in the car yesterday....and it's crazy how funny something like that actually is.
At least to us.
It will make me laugh until the day that I die.