Friday, July 27, 2007

Four Years Later....

You know you are (still) in love with someone when, for your 4 year anniversary….you volunteer to go to The Simpson’s Movie…because HE’S a big fan and the producers of the movie thought July 27th was such an auspicious date that they had to release it then.
And really – for such a momentous occasion (the movie – not the anniversary), it’s really much better if you’re in line with everyone else waiting to be among the first to see it.

I remember when we heard this movie was coming out a year and a half ago…and I thought to myself – if he thinks we’re going to see THAT on our anniversary – he’s got another thing coming.

It’s funny how things change, and how you mellow out as even small bits of time go by. It’s only been 4 years, but we’ve come a long way.


  1. Congrats.

    It is striking to me how so much of marriage is not only about giving up, but being happy to give up because it makes your spouse happy. Marriage and children have loosened the hold of my raging self-centeredness, and being loosened I feel less encumbered. But even after the years it still can be a struggle at times.

    Love you both!

  2. Awww... Now that's true love.

    Out here with the Houston side of the family, we were just reminiscing about Grandpa Palmer's obsession with Neopolitan ice cream... and how Grandma never touched the stuff after he was gone. =)
