Tuesday, November 21, 2006

And even though we thought it was fixed. . .it wasn't . . .and Greg wrote another Letter. . . (Letter 7)

Dear Mr. Clear Channel Guy,

My name is Greg, and I am a citizen with frontage to your tower, here in Weld County. I really appreciate you responding so quickly to our concerns with your tower.

I assume that the tower equipment has been replaced by now, and this is why I am writing. In the past, with the old equipment, as well as when you were having crews dim the towers manually, the lighting was bearable and comfortable at night. With the new equipment, that I am assuming has been replaced, the lighting is not as bright as it was when the equipment was malfunctioning, but it is still much brighter than it used to be. Now, I don’t want to be a bother to you and your crews, but is it possible for you to send a crew out at night this week to check and lower the brightness level? It is quite bright now at night, and its penetrating our bedroom blinds again, which can make for difficult sleeping conditions. It is also difficult to be in our backyard again at night, since the flashing lights tend to put spots in our vision. When the lighting is dim, as it was in the past, this was not a concern.

I appreciate your time concerning this, and thank you for your response,


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