This past week I paid for my fall semester at school. All told, it was slightly less than $6,500. It was a chunk of change out of our savings, and I was a little sad to see it go. And what will this buy me? It will buy 11 credits. 11 credits that ensure I will remain completely busy from September to December morning, noon, and night. My days usually begin at 4am and ends at 7:30, when the kids are fed, bathed and in bed. That’s the time my hubby and I usually sit and watch some TV, catch up on the house, or do dishes before collapsing on our bed to do it all over again the next morning. Of course, lately, my sleep is somewhat interrupted by our little son, who loves nothing more than a midnight snack and 2am company.
However, this marks the halfway point of my MBA. I’ll graduate at the end of next summer and this is the heaviest loaded semester I’ll have to take. At the end of everything I’ll be able to say I have an MBA in Finance, and I did it while starting a family and working full-time. Not too shabby on a list of personal accomplishments. Not that I would really recommend this education plan to anyone. If I had to do it all over again I would have gone straight into my masters from my bachelor’s program…but when you’re young and just want to finally make some decent money…that’s a tough sell.
I think one of the more important life lessons I’ve figured out is that sometimes, just gritting your teeth and doing something is far better than waiting around for it to be less painful. Usually, if there’s a cost involved up front, it will be exacted even if you wait, sometimes at a higher price. So that’s my wisdom for the day.
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