I love my husband very much, however it's true that you tend to marry your opposite, and we both have a streak of crazy running through us. This wasn't a good combination when we were first married, however after 7 years things have calmed down a bit and we have a good rythym for our lives. It's not perfect, but most of the time it works.
When we were first married, I didn't know how much my husband HATED change, and Greg had no idea how much I loved it. Change, money, and house-cleaning were our 'fight buttons' and we went to battle daily over these issues. Nothing had really prepared me for HIS particular streak of crazy either. We dated almost 3 years, and yet moving in with him was a big shock. The man was crazy (so was I - but I'm the one writing the blog and that's the perspective you signed up for by reading it), really, really crazy about particular things.
It had been about a month and a half since we'd said our vows, and pretty much all but the honeymoon had been rough patches. I was still in school, hadn't found a job since moving to Denver, and didn't have the same standards of cleanliness as Greg.
So one day Greg walks in the door after work in a complete funk. I asked him what was going on. I got the precursory 'nothing' response, but further pressing revealed that something big was wrong.
"I filled out the insurance, benefits and retirement account paperwork today for us..." he sighed deeply, almost tragically.
Thinking there was most likely a problem with my name-change, I thought I had this problem pegged. Not so. He continued:
"Do you know, that from now on, I will NEVER be able to check the 'Single' box again? I will always, from this point on, be either married, widowed, or divorced, but I will NEVER be single again!!!"
He glared at me, as this was clearly my fault, and then spun on his heel and stomped towards the bedroom.
Things have improved dramatically since that moment almost 7 years ago. True, they got worse there for a few hours, but eventually they got better. Greg isn't good with change, never has been and probably never will be. That was my first introduction to how much he hated change in general. At the time, the words stung a bit, but mostly they didn't make any sense. Now, it's been added to our ongoing list of 'Awesome Sayings Spoken in Moments of Pure Crazy' list.
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