Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Something strange here?

I was wandering through Barnes and Noble this evening, and this lime-green display of books caught my eye. Then I did a double-take as I saw the advertising:

"Inspired by....The Bible Experience Companion Bible"

Now, I'm not sure just how many Bibles you may need to have an experience...but if you're already moving on to a companion, after reading something inspired by the 'Bible Experience'....well - good for you I suppose, but it sounds very convoluted. No doubt it's changed lives and yadda yadda yadda...but c'mon people - just how dumb do we as Americans need to be treated before we start catching idiocies like this? Let me spell it out for you:

There is a bible.

You can gain knowledge from it, and some people have had spiritual experiences from it.

There is no companion bible to the bible. Sorry - it doesn't get any simpler than cracking it open and reading it. Perhaps you will have an experience, perhaps not.
And in case you don't belive me:


  1. I would like a companion bible for my Unix bible please.

  2. I think this is a companion bible to the Bible Experience which is an audiobible. I think it makes perfectly good sense than an audiobible has a book you can follow along with. Hence the name, companion bible.
