Thursday, October 11, 2007

The Weather Station

Today is the day that The Weather Station arrives.

My brother really wanted to get Greg something special for his birthday (he’s hit the big 30 now, BTW), and asked me for my thoughts. I said that though we had a small, $20 weather station…that Greg would love, love LOVE a new, larger weather station with more capabilities….

My brother balked at this. It didn’t appeal to his idea of a manly gift. He wanted to buy Greg a knife, a gun, or some other instrument of death and protection…and that’s just not Greg. So he said he’d think about it while he was out and get Greg something later on. I said that was fine with me.

So he stayed with us…and began to notice just how big weather is in our house. Every morning while making coffee Greg would check the current temperature and announce the low of the night before. He’ll then turn on The Weather Channel and let us know what the high of the day will be so we can dress appropriately. In the evening, he walks by the weather station and see just how hot it got that day and what the temperature is currently…and before bed he watches the Weather Channel again to see how tomorrow is going to go.

And on and on and on…I’ve become used to it, and actually appreciate it because I do dress according to Greg’s weather observations…my brother has never experienced anything like it before, and a few days before he left sighed and admitted that it would be, by far, the best gift he could get Greg.

So he showed Greg a good website that sold a myriad of weather stations….and told him to pick one.

Greg almost died, and spent the next 3 hours solidly researching the most appropriate weather station for our house/location/needs. He chose the one that is pictured here…1 major post, that will communicate wirelessly with the main station inside the house, which will tell us all sorts of helpful information about what’s going on outside. This, in turn, will connect with a laptop which will be dedicated solely to weather-related activities…which will be connected to the internet and will feed information constantly to the Weather Underground site, who will give us our own website so people can check our weather (I’ll attach it to this blog once it’s up).

Oh, we’ll also have a webcam trained on our backyard so if one is really worried that it may not be raining like the website is telling them…well, they can check the webcam.

So there you have it. My brother purchased Greg what is clearly the Best Birthday Gift Ever. Greg’s leaving work early today so he can be there when the package arrives.

And I have a feeling I’m going to be mighty sick of the weather in about 3 weeks.

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