Tuesday, March 20, 2007

My First DR Test

Today, this morning, at some ungodly hour, I am writing from New York as I sit here, supporting a disaster recovery test for my company. I must say that I've thoroughly enjoyed the trip, from the flight up here, to picking up my very first rental car, to seeing my spacious hotel room/suite, to eating out every day, to meeting new people who I work with - just have never met.

A rather fun side-note is that I'm actually visiting two states. Staying in New Jersey, working in New York. Deluxe Deluxe!

There are just a few things which have confounded, or, in some way disappointed, me.

1) Though this is a simulated test, which we would perform after some large emergency had occurred, wiping out all kinds of computers. . . .there is not the urgency of a disaster situation that I was perhaps hoping for. People still work on their own set schedule, when something goes wrong, they still pass the buck, and it's rather boring.

2) In conjunction with the above point, I think that perhaps if we came up with a rather great scenario. . . something beyond the generalized and rather broad 'a disaster has occured'; people would be more inspired. If they could envision the amazing set of events that took place which wiped out the computers. . . a tornado of historic proportions, an earthquake that shook a previously geologically stable area, a volcano where previously there were none. . . . .but (and perhaps this is a sign of wisdom that comes with age and experience) I'm starting to believe that not even that would wake up the general corporate America sense of urgency.

Whatever, moving on to:

3) I appear to be in the completely wrong part of the state to have a sighting of the Jersey Devil. That mythical beast that was supposed to be born in the 1700's out in New Jersey - the 13th child of Mrs. Leeds who said that she'd rather have a child of the devil rather than bear another child to Mr. Leeds (marriage counseling wasn't as en vogue back then, apparently). Thus, the Jersey Devil was born, turned out to be a child of the devil, gobbled up the other Leeds children, flew off into the forest and has been making random appearances throughout the southern part of the state ever since.

But, apparently no random appearances where I'm at. . . thus, a wee bit of disappointment. No point in coming all the way out to New jersey without, at least the HOPE of a sighting.

Ah well, c'est la vie. I suppose another fabulous breakfast, lunch, dinner and comfy bed will dull that pain.

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