Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Heat for the winter. . .

It's roughly the size of a motorcycle.

It can heat a space of 2,900 square feet in 30 minutes.

It has a 14 gallon tank that runs on kerosene or diesel.

'Rugged' were the words that described the tires.

It's Red.

We've named it Big Boy.

Yes ladies and gentlemen, we just purchased an insanely impractical garage heater for my husband! It is really much too big for our 3 car garage, but it was half-off, it's COLD in Colorado right now, and we're both a little stir-crazy from having to stay inside every weekend for the past 7 weeks on account of snow.

As we left with our purchase rolling on a super-large cart out of Lowes. . .the men working there gazed fondly at it and made comments.

"That's the last one! What a price!"

"That will keep you warm!"

"That's a real nice heater you got there."

"You enjoy working in your shop now!"

Greg chest couldn't have puffed up any bigger and he walked with a John Wayne swagger as he waved and smiled to those Lowes men.

This weekend our neighbors came home with a brand-new beautiful baby girl, and boy were they proud. But... I must say, they don't hold a candle to Greg and his Big Boy!

1 comment:

  1. A new post after what - only 60 days! Tell Greg congratulations. Wait until this summer he'll put AC in the garage.
