We were in California for a long weekend this past week. It was a trip to celebrate the wedding of Greg's best friend, Brad. All in all it was a nice, uneventful weekend, until of course, it was time to leave.
Allan, another friend of ours, dropped us off at the airport for our departing flight 2 hours ahead of time, and Dan, another friendly guy we know, called to see if we were hungry for lunch. He works for United, we were flying out of American, and he could come eat with us and hang out until we left. It was a splendid idea, and we were both hungry. So off he went to grab some burritos, and we waited.
And waited.
And waited.
Until it was 30 minutes before boarding. Greg got up to go see if he could call/find Dan and see what the ETA for him was. Greg wandered off and I stayed with the luggage (God FORBID you leave it alone for more than .05 seconds, who knows what the terrorists may do to it!) and read my book.
I tend to dissappear into books, so I didn't really notice how much time had passed until they started boarding. I looked up and didn't see Greg, I stood up and still didn't see him (at 6'7" he's easy to spot in a crowd) This was a small, regional terminal seperate from the main airport, so it's not like there was a huge crowd that he could have dissappeared into. At this point, over 1/2 of the people were boarded, and I was baffled. "Where did he go?!" If we missed this flight, this was the last one to LA to get back to CO, so it was mildy crucial we be on it.
Scanning the crowd again, I looked outside past security in the main lobby, and there he was. Standing in security. With 5 minutes before our plane took of.
I raised my hands in sign-language question. He raised his and had a burrito in each.
Apparently Dan couldn't get through security without a ticket, terrorist burritos and all that, so Greg had to go out and get them. In coming BACK through security, the two people in front of him were triple searched, and he couldn't get through.
"This is the final boarding call for flight 1497, would passengers OurLastNameHere, party of two, please come to the gate?"
Greg got through security at this point, and came tearing over to get his bags. He threw me a burrito, and we boarded. I never saw Dan, and we ate on the plane. They were excellent burritos. :)
And that, my friends, is how we nearly missed our flight for food.
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